I'm Hormonal | PCOS, periods, gut + hormone health insights
If you're looking for information on women's hormone health, PCOS, perimenopause, estrogen excess, hormonal acne, gut support, and overall how to feel your best--look no further. I'm Hormonal host, Bridget Walton, provides you with the information you need to get your hormones in balance so you can feel your best. Long-form episodes come out on Tuesdays and you'll get a mini episode on Thursdays.
I'm Hormonal | PCOS, periods, gut + hormone health insights
2024 Reflections & What's to Come in 2025 for I'm Hormonal | Ep. 70
Unlock the secrets of your hormones with me, Bridget Walton, as I navigate the fascinating world of women's health on I'm Hormonal. Ever wondered why your menstrual cycle seems so unpredictable, or why you can't seem to find clear answers about your fertility? This episode is your gateway to understanding these mysteries. With a new format rolling out in 2025, you'll find comprehensive discussions on Tuesdays and quick, mini-episodes on Thursdays. Whether you're tuning in for the first time or you've been with me since 2023, there are exciting updates to explore, and your feedback is more important than ever.
Join me as I reflect on our journey through 2024, highlighting your favorite episodes and giving you a glimpse of insightful conversations with experts and nutritionists on the horizon. My passion for hormone health stems from my personal quest for answers, a journey that's led to a career change and an ongoing education in holistic nutrition. I invite you to connect with me on Instagram, share your thoughts, and suggest topics you'd love to hear about. Together, we can empower every menstruator with the knowledge they deserve to feel their best.
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Welcome to I'm Hormonal, your source of information about women's hormone health and how to support your body naturally. I'm your host, bridget Walton, and I'm a certified functional hormone specialist and menstrual cycle coach. I am on a mission to hold these hormone conversations with as many menstruators as possible, because you deserve easier access to accurate information about what's up with your unruly menstrual cycle and with your fertility mysteries. Don't you think it's time that we figure this out once and for all? Hey friend, welcome to today's episode of I'm Hormonal. I'm your host, bridget Walton, and I'm so grateful that you're here and listening to me. I know you have a billion options of podcasts, so I really appreciate that you are here hanging with me. I hope that you've been enjoying what you've been listening to so far. If this is your first time listening to I'm Hormonal, then I'll just say again hey, I'm Bridget. I'm a women's hormone coach. I work with gals to help them address their period problems and their gut problems and feel better. I started this podcast in 2023 so that I could share what I know and what I've been learning through my training as a functional hormone specialist. I'm currently going through training to become a holistic nutritionist, so I just know that my own journey with my vaginal health. We'll just say it like that. It sounds so uncool, but maybe I'll get better at saying that. Anyway, going through my journey with trying to figure out like, okay, what's going on, why do I feel this way? Why can't I get any actual practical help from the professionals around me, that's what really drove me to do this career change, start learning all about hormones and wanting to share that with you, because I really truly believe that you and your sisters and your girlfriends and your moms and your aunts, and, like every woman on planet earth, every menstruator on planet earth deserves to have more information about how your body works, how your hormones work, how they change throughout the month and what you can do to feel better. So that's what I'm about here, that I'm hormonal.
Speaker 1:Sometimes I will do solo episodes. Most of the time, actually, that's what we'll have for you today, but sometimes I also will bring you conversations that I have with other experts, other coaches, other nutritionists. I'm excited about a couple of folks I have lined up coming to you in 2025. And actually that leads me to what I'm going to be talking about today, which is really just an update for you on what's going on with me, what's going on with the podcast, what you can expect from the podcast coming up in 2025. I thought it might be worth recapping what were the episodes that you guys loved the most in 2024. And we'll touch on a couple other things, but I've been making some changes lately and I thought maybe this is a good week this holiday week if you are celebrating Christmas and as we get right into New Year's to take a little break and give you guys some updates.
Speaker 1:Last note here is that normally, moving forward, on Tuesdays will be the kind of long form or like normal length episode or interview, and then on Thursdays will be a mini episode, oftentimes recapping the same topic that I talked about on Tuesday. But the purpose for that is so that you have just a shorter, bite size, little snack of a rundown on what are the main points, so that either you can listen to that as a recap If you are a little crunched for time you're a busy bee and you aren't going to go back and listen to the full thing or so that you can say, hey, is this something I need more information about? Does this resonate with me and just give you some options there. I would love to hear your feedback on if you've been liking having these mini episodes or what you think about it, and, as always, I would love to hear any requests for different topics or any feedback, like anything you guys think. If you're like Bridget might want to hear my thought on X, y or Z, then you're right, I do want to hear it. Please, please, tell me. I love when you guys reach out to me and when I can see the reviews that you leave or any questions that you have for me.
Speaker 1:You can always connect with me on Instagram. You can find me at Bridget Walton and you'll see my little picture pop up there. On Instagram, I also am sharing tips about hormones and I share a little bit more about me and my life so you can get to know me. So if you're in the market for getting to know me, then that would be a good place for you. I also do one-on-one coaching. As I mentioned, I'm a women's hormone coach and so if you're ever in the market for some personalized support, you're trying to understand what you can do to support your body through PCOS, through perimenopause.
Speaker 1:Maybe your periods are unpredictable or totally missing. Maybe you have a lot of period pain. You have persistent gut discomfort. I'm your girl, I got you. We'll work together to figure out what's the root cause of what's going on. How can we support your body through some of the foundations, like mitigating stress, getting you the right food and nutrition that you need to support your cycle and support ovulation. We'll go deeper than that. We'll talk about mindset too, but you can always connect with me. You can send me a DM on Instagram, take me up on the free consults that I offer, or you can go ahead and take a. Take a peek at the show notes and there's a link there to pick a time to have your free call with me. So no strings attached, take me up on that. Anytime. I would love to connect with you and hear what your goals are and we can decide together if we would be a good fit for me to support you.
Speaker 1:Let's pivot a little bit and talk about what you can expect to come to the podcast in 2025. I mentioned earlier I have a couple more guests lined up for January, but I really want to focus on bringing to you more rich conversations with other professionals, how we can share with you the information that they have, what may be areas that I don't focus on as much so that you can really have a good, comprehensive, well-rounded understanding of what's going on with your body and how you can support it, so that you know all the tools or at least more tools that are available for you, and so that's something I'm really hoping to continue. I'm also going to start incorporating a little bit of sponsorship here, so you'll hear me mention partners like Nixit, like TempDrop, like Dirt Food. If you've listened to a podcast before, I'm sure that you've heard a commercial or an ad. So my goal will be not to not to annoy you with those, but I really want to bring you some of the tools, products, brands that I trust, that I use personally, that I recommend to my clients to use, and extend a little discount code to you so that so you can benefit from from what they've got to offer as well.
Speaker 1:The next thing I'll share with you in the coming year will be information about programs that I'm running myself through my business. So I mentioned that I do one-on-one coaching, but I'm also going to start doing more programs where, for example, at the start of the year, I'm going to kick it off with a 21-day meal planning challenge. So it'll be a combination of modules that you'll do, online practices that can help get you into the habit, kicking off the year to really focus on how you can get the right food into your body, how you can make meal planning something that works for you, that works for your family, works for your budget and so that what you're going to eat isn't an afterthought. But anyway, since you are a listener of I'm Hormonal, I'll share with you guys discount codes that you can use on programs with me as well that I won't be sharing with other folks. If you are interested, if you just heard me say that and you're like, ooh, give me some more information about that, then go ahead to the link in the show notes you can click on. I think it just says newsletter, join my newsletter, something like something about newsletter email list. And or you could go to BridgetWaltoncom and sign up for my email list where I'll be sharing more information, how you can actually click to sign up and register for the program. But stick around here.
Speaker 1:Episodes between now and January 6, 2025. That's when it'll start and you'll be able to get the discount code that I'll offer for you here as a thank you for listening to the podcast and a little treat. We'd love to continue to support you On that note of the newsletter or my email list button. There I do share tips biweekly, send them out to you because, right, maybe you don't have time to listen, but most people you get up in the morning, you're drinking your tea or your coffee, you're taking your dog for a walk, maybe you're just looking. Well, maybe you're not taking your dog for a walk and checking your email, but if you are, then I'll be hooking you up with some tips. If you are already a part of the email list and you get those notes from me in your inbox every other week, I would love it if you just thought about clicking reply and just saying, hey, what's up? Let me know what you're up to If you have any questions or there's anything that you want me to cover. That pretty much closes it out for updates for 2025 of what you can expect.
Speaker 1:I mentioned this at the start, that the purpose of this podcast, the reason why I put together these episodes for you every week, is to help you understand what's going on with your body and help you understand what you can do to feel better. So I'll continue on that trend and try to bring you information that I know is really relevant to you and that also can help you to take the information that I share with you and implement it in your life in a way that actually works for your life. So important that next step. All right, let's pivot and look at what are the top episodes from this year. If you haven't listened to them yet, then maybe you can write this down, open up a little note on your phone to take a note of it.
Speaker 1:But the main episode that you guys listened to the most this year was episode 31, which is the basics of your cycle and hormone fluctuations. In that episode I went through and talked about the basics of your cycle and hormone fluctuations. If you are just starting to learn about what's going on with your cycle, how do your hormones change throughout the month, what even are the main hormones that are key players in the menstrual cycle then that's going to be a really good episode for you to go back to. Maybe I'll start to do those about quarterly for you, because it's always a good reminder to we're all adults or I'm assuming that you're an adult if you're listening to this and so having those basics. Coming back to what is actually going on in your body will be really important. Next up, you guys listened to episode 24, exercise and your spilling hormones how to find synergy and this episode was all about how you can sync up, how you can align your workouts with where you're at in your menstrual cycle. So there are four phases to the cycle because we have four distinct hormonal landscapes, I like to say meaning four different and distinct ratios of like estrogen to progesterone or testosterone, and those changes can make you maybe better or more inclined to do one type of workout over another. So if you are a gal who you love to move your body, you want to practice being more in tune with listening to your body and what exercise, what movement might be best for different times in your cycle, then that will be a really good resource for you.
Speaker 1:The third and final one that I'll share was episode 28, which is called cervical mucus. When, why, how much and who cares, and this is one that is really important. If you are well, if you're trying to conceive, our cervical mucus changes throughout the month, but leading up to ovulation it's a big indicator, for if you're going to ovulate, it can't say for sure, right, if you want to track whether or not you actually did ovulate, then you would need to track your basal body temperature. But cervical mucus is a really good tool, accessible to everybody zero dollars and zero cents, to learn about your cervical mucus and what it's telling you about ovulation, about the health of your cycle. So, even if you're not trying to conceive, I would say, still keep this in mind, because this will give you a good report card, good feedback on what's going on with your cycle and the overall health of your cycle.
Speaker 1:All right, gang, let's wrap it up there for today. There will be no mini episode this week. Enjoy the holidays, if that's what you're up to Enjoy. Hopefully you have some fun end of year, new Year's traveling Next week. I will be back on Tuesday with a full-length episode for you. In the meantime, go ahead, check out and connect with me on Instagram it's at Bridget Walton and go ahead, sign up for my newsletter through the link in the show notes, especially if you had interest in the meal prep program that I talked about earlier. You're going to love it. I'm really excited to bring it to you. Thanks again for listening and I will see you in the next one. No-transcript.